AOTrauma Course – Approaches & Osteosynthesis with practical exercises on anatomical specimens


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08. 09. 2019 - 12. 09. 2019

Medizinische Universität Graz, Institut für Anatomie


Name: Mag.(FH) Sylvia Reischl
Tel: +43 664 925 3869

The AOTrauma Course – Advances in Approaches & Osteosynthesis is targeted at certified orthopaedic and trauma surgeons with basic knowledge and skills in operative fracture treatment who wish to broaden this knowledge and who wish to practice surgical approaches for a better comprehension. The course is also open to residents and surgical trainees who participated in the AOTrauma Introductory Course.

The topics will cover different surgical approaches to the upper extremities and lower extremities, including shoulder and hip.

They will be taught in short lectures and videos followed by practical exercises on artificial bones, muscles specimens and anatomical specimens.

During the exercises key steps are projected on the monitors.

Each work station is limited to two participants.

Faculty members and instructors are there to guide you through the exercises.

Instruments, gloves and gowns are provided.